๐๏ธ Dynamic Programming
Top Down
๐๏ธ Graph
A path that traverses all the edges exactly once.
๐๏ธ Links
Naming Conventions
๐๏ธ Modulus
m mod n is the remainder of m รท n
๐๏ธ Number Grouping Laws
๐๏ธ Number System
๐๏ธ OOP Principles
๐๏ธ Rest
REST is an architectural style, specifically for Network based application. Roy Fielding introduced it as part of his PHD dissertation. This blog is my assimilation of his thesis and I am most likely miles off of what it means, even worse I might be completely wrong. If you're reading this then please consider reading the original dissertation.
๐๏ธ Solid Design Principles
Single Responsibility
๐๏ธ Topological Sort
๐๏ธ Tree Recursion
All Combinations
๐๏ธ Unicode and UTF-8